
Entry (1/7)1  kana
Part of speech  2  adjective
Explanations in Malagasy  3  Kinga, fetsy ratsy, fatsaka. [1.1]
Explanations in French  4  habile, rusé, roué [1.3#313]
Compound words 

Entry (2/7)6  karana
Part of speech  7  noun
Vocabulary  8  Biology
Explanations in Malagasy  9  (fihasimban' ny hoe harana). 10  Ny fitambaran' ny taolana amin' ny faritry ny tenan' ny olombelona sy ny biby misy hazondamosina: Ny karan' ny olombelona dia misy taolana valo amby roanjato [1.1]
Synonyms  11  rikarikan-taolana
Compound words 

Entry (3/7)13  karana
Part of speech  14  noun
Explanations in French  15  armature, canevas [1.13]
Compound words 

Entry (4/7)18  karaña
Part of speech  19  noun
Vocabulary  20  Geography: (in general)
21  Navigation
Explanations in French  22  brisants. (rìva). [Tankarana] [1.19]

Entry (5/7)23  Kana
Part of speech  24  name (anthroponym)
Vocabulary  25  History
Explanations in Malagasy  26  Ny firenena tompon-tany any amin' ny tanin' i Indes (Azia atsimo): Anisan' ny mahantra eran-tany ny Karana na Hindou noho ny habetsahany, nefa misy manana tapitr' ohatra koa [1.1]
Explanations in English  27  an East Indian or Pakistanese [1.7]
Explanations in French  28  Indien ou Pakistanais [1.8]29  Indien, Hindou [1.13]
Tables and plates  30  Full list

Entry (6/7)31  Karàna
Part of speech  32  name (biblical)
Vocabulary  33  Holy Scriptures
Explanations in English  34  Cheran [2.996]
Explanations in French  35  Kerân [2.996]
Biblical quotes  36  Chapters and verses mentioning Karàna
Tables and plates  37  Full list

Anagrams  38  Karàna, karana, karaña, karàna, Karàna, karana, karaña, karàna, Karàna, karana, karaña, karàna, Karàna, karana, karaña, karàna

Updated on 2023/07/31